Rave Reviews

In Praise of
Chai Karak: A Customer Service Story

“Mohamed Isa has written a terrific book that will show you how to grow your business by treating everyone as a priority. Wise business owners understand that every customer should be treated as a big shot! Why? Because a big shot really is only a little shot who kept on shooting, who simply kept on trying! Read and learn how to make your business grow by treating everyone as a big shot!”

Dr. Willie Jolley
Best Selling Author of “A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback”

“If you want to build a Customer Centric Culture, read this entertaining and insightful book.”

Michael Aun
CSP, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, Author of “It’s the Customer, Stupid!”

“This book made me think and do something about improving my own Customer Service within the first 10 pages. I couldn’t put this book down; loved it!”

Steve Beck
Author of Customer Service Is Not About The Customer

“Mohamed Isa’s new book, Chai Karak, filled with pragmatic ideas to help you excel at customer service. It’s an easy to read customer service story that shows you what Not-To-Do and inspires you on what To-Do.”

Dr. Tony Alessandra
Author of “The Platinum Rule”

“An engaging customer service story that will help you in creating a customer centric culture in your organization. A great read.”

Scott Friedman
CSP, Employee Engagement Expert

“A relationship is a direct connection between people in which value is exchanged. If there is no value emanating from each side then it is not truly a relationship. To strengthen a relationship in business the most direct way is to find out what the other person considers valuable and then deliver more of that. Chai Karak highlights this with elegance and eloquence.”

Jim Cathcart
Author of “Relationship Selling”

“Mohamed Isa’s entertaining book, Chai Karak, provides an abundance of lessons about mistakes that can be made with customers, and how to avoid them. Central to Mohamed’s negative experience with Bank X is communication, or, more accurately, miscommunication. Pay attention to the questions at the end of each chapter. They give us guidance in thinking about our own relations with customers, and ways that we can be more effective.”

Joe Calloway
Author of “Becoming A Category Of One”

“Mohamed Isa’s book Chai Karak, uses his personal struggle with a bank to uncover critical concepts that every business can learn from and use to take their customer’s experience to a higher level. The book is a quick read and is filled with questions to help you evaluate your current customer service culture. If used properly, you will be able to identify your weak points and take actions to heighten your customer’s experience.”

Daniel D. Matthews
Award-Winning Speaker and Author

“From the first page of Mohamed Isa’s engaging and insightful book, I was hooked. He has mastered the art of delivering exceptional advice on how to provide brilliant customer service by sharing his own true and riveting story of exactly what you should NEVER do if you are interested in building happy, loyal customers for life. This book is a must-read if you are in business today. Read it, apply his pragmatic suggestions, and watch your happy customer base grow by leaps and bounds.”

Linda Larsen
CSP, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame ®, Communication and Customer Service Expert

“Anyone can learn to make Chai Karak. Even fewer can skillfully add the best ingredients. Rarest are those who consistently serve a great cup of Chai Karak … with a smile. In other words, anyone can copy your products or services. No one can steal your values, passion, or organizational culture. Kudos to Mohamed for sharing such a vital success component via his compelling story.”

Doug Lipp
Leadership & Customer Service Expert

“Chai Karak is a story of customer service gone wrong . . . every step of the way. It illustrates in great detail one customer’s struggle to achieve his goals and one organization’s failure to provide expected service. In this short story, Author Mohamed Isa tells us not only what went wrong, but provides readers with “Reflection Time” exercises to take what they’ve learned from each chapter and apply it to their own business. From major customer service mistakes to the often-overlooked small ones, readers will walk away with a new respect for the challenges customers go through in trying to give them their business. They’ll also walk away with a new appreciation for the need to take a hard look at themselves and their organizations to see where their service efforts fall short.

Finally, the book ends with detailed advice and steps organizations can take to create a Customer Centric Culture that will assure their business success! This book is a cautionary tale and must read for business owners, C-suite executives, managers, and customer service providers who want to ensure they attract and retain life-long customers.”

Amy Castro
MA, CSP, Communication & Customer Service Expert