
The book has 22 chapters.

The book has 22 chapters. Each chapter begins with a quote on customer service and ends with three questions for you to reflect on specific areas of customer service.

The book then offers two important sections:

#1: The Chai Karak Manifesto:

This is an easy to follow acronym to inspire your team to provide a better level of customer service. You can download it here.

#2: More Chai Karak, Your Action Plan:

To build a Customer-Centric Culture in your organization, you need to talk about it constantly. To help you with that, I provide you with 52 facts, tips and trends about Customer Service. I recommend that you discuss each fact with your team over the coming 52 weeks to shape your customer service culture.

The Titles of the Chapters:

1 Love Affairs
2 I’ve Got the Power
3 More Money Please
4 Please Don’t Go
5 VIP, Here I Come
6 When … Hits the Fan
7 Anybody Home?
8 The Gate Keepers
9 Are You Kidding?
10 Enough
11 Now, We’re Talking

12 Safe Hands
13 A Whisper From a Friend
14 Empty Rhetoric
15 Playing With Fire
16 Pulling the Trigger
17 Bad News Travels Fast
18 The Road Most Traveled
19 For God’s Sake
20 The Buck Stops Here
21 The Unexpected Calls
22 A Happy Ending