Chai Karak

We provide an entertaining and insightful narrative on what organizations
could lose when they provide below average customer service.

A customer-centric culture does not happen by accident. It happens because of the influence and the conscious choices of the people in the organization.

How do you make it purposeful? How do you live the culture you want to create on a daily basis?

The answer is:

By working on the culture before you work on anything else.

When it comes to customer service, it all starts with leadership.

Organizations should strive to provide amazing service that is consistently and predictably better than average.

Customer amazement is not necessarily about “WOW!” or “over-the-top” levels of service, although sometimes it may be.

It is about a predictable, all-of-the-time, I-know-I-can-count-on-it, better-than-average experience.

Leadership must define the customer service vision.

Then, it must be communicated and employees must be trained. Yet there is another side of customer service leadership, and that impacts everyone. Believe it or not, everyone can, and should, assume a leadership role when it comes to building a culture of service. Everyone can become a role model that others admire and want to emulate.

Customer service leaders know how to deal with customers and will take advantage of numerous competitive edges to differentiate their organization from the competition.

Chai Karak provides an entertaining and insightful narrative on what organizations could lose when they provide below average customer service.

The Chai Karak Manifesto and the More Karak sections of the book provide a pragmatic roadmap to build a Customer-Centric Culture to serve as a platform for providing Amazing Service.

Shep Hyken
Customer service expert and
New York Times bestselling author of
The Amazement Revolution
(From the Foreword of the Book)